Good-looking dude, spring 2014

Nathan Goulding-Hotta

Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego

Office: CSE 3262
View Nathan Goulding-Hotta's profile on LinkedIn

What's New

Spring 2014: I'm currently on the job market. Contact me if you're looking for a hardware hacker!


I'm in my final year as a PhD candidate in the Computer Architecture Group at UCSD. I'm currently researching massively heterogeneous processors as a solution to continued performance scaling in the face of the utilization wall: We can no longer use all of the transistors on a chip at once because of power constraints. As a result, most of the transistors must remain off at any given time, in what is called dark silicon. Putting this dark silicon to good use is a challenging research problem. It's an especially interesting time to be an architect!


My group and I are developing GreenDroid, a prototype mobile application processor for Android smartphones. GreenDroid leverages dark silicon by converting it into energy-saving coprocessors called conservation cores. As part of this work I'm building a 28-nm chip. See the project website for more details.

Select Publications

(Click here for a complete list)



My advisors are Steven Swanson and Michael Taylor. With their combined forces our group is unstoppable.


I'm a big fan of the Vim text editor. Here is my configuration file with many helpful shortcuts.
I also wrote this summary of GNU Screen commands to help new users.

About Me

I grew up in New Mexico and I love the southwest. I went to New Mexico Tech as an undergraduate, where I made a name for myself as a kilted mountaineer, among other things. Now I bum around on the beaches of southern California, when I'm not stuck in the lab.

Last updated 2014-04-19